This certificate attest for some products of the families ARX SPIN that at the building hardware fulfills the requirements of the underlying ift-certification scheme:
- Compliance with the EN 13126-8 standard – building hardware standard that specifies the requirements and test procedures for durability, strength, security, and function of Turn and Tilt, Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware components or sets for windows and door height windows in accordance with common application.
- PVC visible bearing side is certified according to EN 13126-8 (scheme QM 328). At a load of 100 kg, we achieve a level of H3 (20,000 cycles).
- TIMBER visible bearing side: certified according to EN 13126-8 (scheme QM 328). At a load of 150 kg, we achieve a level of H2 (10,000 cycles).
- Implementation and maintenance of a factory production control by the manufacturer.
- Initial inspection of the production site and the factory production control by ift-Q-Zert.
- Continuous third-party control of the production site and the factory production control by ift-Q-Zert.
It ensures you with the fact that ARX building hardware suits the highest requirements of corrosion resistance. After 480 hours in the salt chamber without the appearance of red corrosion, we reach the 5th level of protection according to the standard EN 1670.
At ARX this standard refers to hardware components of the products family ARX SPIN, ARX SLIDE IN LINE (Espagnolettes, strikers), ARX SLIDE HKS and SP (Espagnolettes, corner drives, strikers), ARX CASEMENT (Espagnolettes, strikers).
Wooden windows are designed differently than PVC windows and can have a flat surface or a groove for installing strikers on the frame. The surface can be flat (18 mm, 20 mm, etc.), but it can have a groove (7/8 mm). In most cases, the windows have below a flat surface, but above and vertically a 7/8 mm groove for easier installation of frame closing elements.
Tilt first means that with the rotation of the handle window is put into tilt position first and then in turn position. Just the opposite of classic hardware, where the window is firstly put into turn position and then into tilt position.
- R cams incorporate a regulatory function which allows installer or user to optimize the window compression by +/- 1.2 mm, thereby improving the sealing properties of windows and balcony doors. Moreover, the R cams provide smoother operation to window users who only need to apply a minimum force to operate the handle.
- RS cams provide superior level of security at closing points (with security strikers). Their height adjusts automatically to fit the air gap between sash and frame. The compression can be regulated by +/- 0.8 mm (hex key size 2.5 mm or spanner size 10 mm). The rolling cam enables smoother and easier closing operation. RS cams can be used in combination with both security strikers and standard strikers.
R cams incorporate a regulatory function which allows installer or user to optimize the window compression by +/- 1.2 mm, thereby improving the sealing properties of windows and balcony doors.
RS cams provide superior level of security at closing points (with security strikers). Their height adjusts automatically to fit the air gap between sash and frame. The compression can be regulated by +/- 0.8 mm.
Yes. Our goal is to provide you with the best high-quality products for your project. Together we will determine the perfect solution for you and adapt existing ARX window and door hardware to your demands.
No. Our unique patented system of CLC door lock with automatic hook and self-adjustment keep, enables self-adjustment of hardware, and does not require additional maintenance.
The warranty applies exclusively to the use of the ARX building hardware components. In case that the components of ARX building hardware are combined with the components of other manufacturers, this warranty is void. The warranty applies to all manufacturers and suppliers of doors and windows who use ARX building hardware at their delivery or production delivered after January 1, 2021.
Further information about ARX Lifetime Warranty is available at here.
End-user requirements: The end-user may enforce the guarantee based on a written request to which he or she should enclose:
1. The original invoice issued by the manufacturer or seller of ARX building hardware,
2. Photos showing the damage, failure, etc. of ARX building hardware. The end-user should send the written request with all required evidence documents to the manufacturer by regular mail or by e-mail. The lifetime warranty is not transferable.
General Warranty requirements:
- The subject of warranty is exclusively functionality and/or operation of the ARX building hardware elements,
- The warranty for surface protection applies only in case of red corrosion which causes the operating problems and/or function failure of ARX building hardware.
Further information about ARX Lifetime Warranty is available at here.
Surface protection and resistance coating ARX Coat, provided by Kovinoplastika Lož is one of the best on the market. It is performed according to the requirements of standard EN 13126-8. Testing of corrosion resistant coating is carried out in our salt chambers according to standard ISO 9227 (NSS). It is done periodically, so we control the whole process. In case of deviations from perfect surface protection, immediate actions are applied to the manufacturing process to produce only the best products. ARX building hardware suits the highest requirements of corrosion resistance as it reaches the 5th grade according to the standard EN 1670. That is an equivalent of 480 hours of salt spray without the appearance of red corrosion. ARX Coat is a proper surface protection, which provides good anti-corrosion durability and a trendy silver appearance.
Further information about surface protection and resistance ARX Coat is available at here.
This certificate attest for some products of the families ARX SPIN that at the building hardware fulfills the requirements of the underlying ift-certification scheme:
- Compliance with the EN 13126-8 standard – building hardware standard that specifies the requirements and test procedures for durability, strength, security, and function of Turn and Tilt, Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware components or sets for windows and door height windows in accordance with common application.
- PVC visible bearing side is certified according to EN 13126-8 (scheme QM 328). At a load of 100 kg, we achieve a level of H3 (20,000 cycles).
- TIMBER visible bearing side: certified according to EN 13126-8 (scheme QM 328). At a load of 150 kg, we achieve a level of H2 (10,000 cycles).
- Implementation and maintenance of a factory production control by the manufacturer.
- Initial inspection of the production site and the factory production control by ift-Q-Zert.
- Continuous third-party control of the production site and the factory production control by ift-Q-Zert.
It ensures you with the fact that ARX building hardware suits the highest requirements of corrosion resistance. After 480 hours in the salt chamber without the appearance of red corrosion, we reach the 5th level of protection according to the standard EN 1670.
At ARX this standard refers to hardware components of the products family ARX SPIN, ARX SLIDE IN LINE (Espagnolettes, strikers), ARX SLIDE HKS and SP (Espagnolettes, corner drives, strikers), ARX CASEMENT (Espagnolettes, strikers).
Wooden windows are designed differently than PVC windows and can have a flat surface or a groove for installing strikers on the frame. The surface can be flat (18 mm, 20 mm, etc.), but it can have a groove (7/8 mm). In most cases, the windows have below a flat surface, but above and vertically a 7/8 mm groove for easier installation of frame closing elements.
Tilt first means that with the rotation of the handle window is put into tilt position first and then in turn position. Just the opposite of classic hardware, where the window is firstly put into turn position and then into tilt position.
- R cams incorporate a regulatory function which allows installer or user to optimize the window compression by +/- 1.2 mm, thereby improving the sealing properties of windows and balcony doors. Moreover, the R cams provide smoother operation to window users who only need to apply a minimum force to operate the handle.
- RS cams provide superior level of security at closing points (with security strikers). Their height adjusts automatically to fit the air gap between sash and frame. The compression can be regulated by +/- 0.8 mm (hex key size 2.5 mm or spanner size 10 mm). The rolling cam enables smoother and easier closing operation. RS cams can be used in combination with both security strikers and standard strikers.
R cams incorporate a regulatory function which allows installer or user to optimize the window compression by +/- 1.2 mm, thereby improving the sealing properties of windows and balcony doors.
RS cams provide superior level of security at closing points (with security strikers). Their height adjusts automatically to fit the air gap between sash and frame. The compression can be regulated by +/- 0.8 mm.
Yes. Our goal is to provide you with the best high-quality products for your project. Together we will determine the perfect solution for you and adapt existing ARX window and door hardware to your demands.
No. Our unique patented system of CLC door lock with automatic hook and self-adjustment keep, enables self-adjustment of hardware, and does not require additional maintenance.
The warranty applies exclusively to the use of the ARX building hardware components. In case that the components of ARX building hardware are combined with the components of other manufacturers, this warranty is void. The warranty applies to all manufacturers and suppliers of doors and windows who use ARX building hardware at their delivery or production delivered after January 1, 2021.
Further information about ARX Lifetime Warranty is available at here.
End-user requirements: The end-user may enforce the guarantee based on a written request to which he or she should enclose:
1. The original invoice issued by the manufacturer or seller of ARX building hardware,
2. Photos showing the damage, failure, etc. of ARX building hardware. The end-user should send the written request with all required evidence documents to the manufacturer by regular mail or by e-mail. The lifetime warranty is not transferable.
General Warranty requirements:
- The subject of warranty is exclusively functionality and/or operation of the ARX building hardware elements,
- The warranty for surface protection applies only in case of red corrosion which causes the operating problems and/or function failure of ARX building hardware.
Further information about ARX Lifetime Warranty is available at here.
Surface protection and resistance coating ARX Coat, provided by Kovinoplastika Lož is one of the best on the market. It is performed according to the requirements of standard EN 13126-8. Testing of corrosion resistant coating is carried out in our salt chambers according to standard ISO 9227 (NSS). It is done periodically, so we control the whole process. In case of deviations from perfect surface protection, immediate actions are applied to the manufacturing process to produce only the best products. ARX building hardware suits the highest requirements of corrosion resistance as it reaches the 5th grade according to the standard EN 1670. That is an equivalent of 480 hours of salt spray without the appearance of red corrosion. ARX Coat is a proper surface protection, which provides good anti-corrosion durability and a trendy silver appearance.
Further information about surface protection and resistance ARX Coat is available at here.
This certificate attest for some products of the families ARX SPIN that at the building hardware fulfills the requirements of the underlying ift-certification scheme:
- Compliance with the EN 13126-8 standard – building hardware standard that specifies the requirements and test procedures for durability, strength, security, and function of Turn and Tilt, Tilt-First and Turn-Only hardware components or sets for windows and door height windows in accordance with common application.
- PVC visible bearing side is certified according to EN 13126-8 (scheme QM 328). At a load of 100 kg, we achieve a level of H3 (20,000 cycles).
- TIMBER visible bearing side: certified according to EN 13126-8 (scheme QM 328). At a load of 150 kg, we achieve a level of H2 (10,000 cycles).
- Implementation and maintenance of a factory production control by the manufacturer.
- Initial inspection of the production site and the factory production control by ift-Q-Zert.
- Continuous third-party control of the production site and the factory production control by ift-Q-Zert.
It ensures you with the fact that ARX building hardware suits the highest requirements of corrosion resistance. After 480 hours in the salt chamber without the appearance of red corrosion, we reach the 5th level of protection according to the standard EN 1670.
At ARX this standard refers to hardware components of the products family ARX SPIN, ARX SLIDE IN LINE (Espagnolettes, strikers), ARX SLIDE HKS and SP (Espagnolettes, corner drives, strikers), ARX CASEMENT (Espagnolettes, strikers).
Wooden windows are designed differently than PVC windows and can have a flat surface or a groove for installing strikers on the frame. The surface can be flat (18 mm, 20 mm, etc.), but it can have a groove (7/8 mm). In most cases, the windows have below a flat surface, but above and vertically a 7/8 mm groove for easier installation of frame closing elements.
Tilt first means that with the rotation of the handle window is put into tilt position first and then in turn position. Just the opposite of classic hardware, where the window is firstly put into turn position and then into tilt position.
- R cams incorporate a regulatory function which allows installer or user to optimize the window compression by +/- 1.2 mm, thereby improving the sealing properties of windows and balcony doors. Moreover, the R cams provide smoother operation to window users who only need to apply a minimum force to operate the handle.
- RS cams provide superior level of security at closing points (with security strikers). Their height adjusts automatically to fit the air gap between sash and frame. The compression can be regulated by +/- 0.8 mm (hex key size 2.5 mm or spanner size 10 mm). The rolling cam enables smoother and easier closing operation. RS cams can be used in combination with both security strikers and standard strikers.
R cams incorporate a regulatory function which allows installer or user to optimize the window compression by +/- 1.2 mm, thereby improving the sealing properties of windows and balcony doors.
RS cams provide superior level of security at closing points (with security strikers). Their height adjusts automatically to fit the air gap between sash and frame. The compression can be regulated by +/- 0.8 mm.
Yes. Our goal is to provide you with the best high-quality products for your project. Together we will determine the perfect solution for you and adapt existing ARX window and door hardware to your demands.
No. Our unique patented system of CLC door lock with automatic hook and self-adjustment keep, enables self-adjustment of hardware, and does not require additional maintenance.
The warranty applies exclusively to the use of the ARX building hardware components. In case that the components of ARX building hardware are combined with the components of other manufacturers, this warranty is void. The warranty applies to all manufacturers and suppliers of doors and windows who use ARX building hardware at their delivery or production delivered after January 1, 2021.
Further information about ARX Lifetime Warranty is available at here.
End-user requirements: The end-user may enforce the guarantee based on a written request to which he or she should enclose:
1. The original invoice issued by the manufacturer or seller of ARX building hardware,
2. Photos showing the damage, failure, etc. of ARX building hardware. The end-user should send the written request with all required evidence documents to the manufacturer by regular mail or by e-mail. The lifetime warranty is not transferable.
General Warranty requirements:
- The subject of warranty is exclusively functionality and/or operation of the ARX building hardware elements,
- The warranty for surface protection applies only in case of red corrosion which causes the operating problems and/or function failure of ARX building hardware.
Further information about ARX Lifetime Warranty is available at here.
Surface protection and resistance coating ARX Coat, provided by Kovinoplastika Lož is one of the best on the market. It is performed according to the requirements of standard EN 13126-8. Testing of corrosion resistant coating is carried out in our salt chambers according to standard ISO 9227 (NSS). It is done periodically, so we control the whole process. In case of deviations from perfect surface protection, immediate actions are applied to the manufacturing process to produce only the best products. ARX building hardware suits the highest requirements of corrosion resistance as it reaches the 5th grade according to the standard EN 1670. That is an equivalent of 480 hours of salt spray without the appearance of red corrosion. ARX Coat is a proper surface protection, which provides good anti-corrosion durability and a trendy silver appearance.
Further information about surface protection and resistance ARX Coat is available at here.